Friday, October 23, 2009


theFool part 2
I FINISHED!!! Bwahahahaha. This took me almost a day to complete. It's a composite with five images total. I'm pretty happy with it at the moment but let me know what you think. Constructive Criticism is always helpful. =]


  1. this would have taken me a week to complete. it's really an amazing image! i'm thinking portfolio, girl!

  2. I actually thought that you were showing another photographers work! Ahh I LOVE this.
    It pretty much rocks.

  3. It reminds me of A Clockwork Orange *shudder*
    I likes!

  4. Thats kinda what she was going for actually!!! she had the top hat and cane.

  5. FREAKING awesome!! I am blogging with my husband beside me and he says 'holy sh** that is cool-why don't you make stuff like that??' thanx for showing me up amy thanx!! I guess i'm going to have to step it up! nice work lady :)

  6. Wow I am super amazed with your photoshop skills! In fact I recommend that you stick to this style and make it your special interest for your portfolio. You'll know more about portfolio specialty next quarter. Congrats! Keep up the good work.

  7. Way to go Amy. Good to see this pic used.

  8. WOW!!! this is an awesome composite that you did!!! I am totally impressed! Keep up the good work!!


Feel free to leave me a comment!!! =]