Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The Chair
Behind every photograph is a story, some more powerful than others. This photo may not be my best but it is by far my favorite just because of the story behind it. My grandfather always sits in this chair, underneath where the light is hitting. We just recently found out he has an advanced stage of bladder cancer. I know that once hes gone this image will mean even more than it does now. I'm not looking for sympathy and I don't want it. I simply want to show everyone that there is a point to photography. It is to tell a story. You have to figure out what that story is of course but once you figure it out, your eyes will open.


  1. Like I just said, do your essay on this. It's an amazing story and will definitely be a great dedication along with this image.
    I like this, Amy. It reminds me of my grandmother, and makes me wish I had a camera then.

  2. I'm sorry to hear. My grandfather passed away last year for liver cancer and he lived in Daytona Beach with a great view to the beach and maybe now I wished I would have taken some pictures of him sitting looking out to the ocean. Picture or no picture, I will always remember him on playing his guitar with the view. I hope your essay goes well.

  3. beautiful image, and I am a big fan of stories behind the images. Makes me sad and smile at the same time.

  4. So sweet. Amazing. *Hugs*


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